Rules and Expectations

Camp Arrowhead rules will be explained Sunday evening following dinner. 

PARENTS WILL BE CONTACTED and asked to pick up their child if their child engages in any extreme unchristian behavior.  More details are available upon arrival at Camp Arrowhead.    

*Please inform us of special needs or diagnosis that may help us to better work with your child.

It is encouraged that each congregation sending youth to camp also register an Adult Congregational Leader (Parents preferred) willing to serve for a week at camp as an Adult Leader.  There should be one adult leader for each congregation.  If an adult has a child registered, we will waive $50 of the registration fee.

**In keeping with our "Safe Camp" policy, all adults participating in any camp activities will be subject to a background check, therefore any mid-week visits will be restricted to those committing to help adult leaders OR adults either dropping off or picking up campers due to prior scheduled obligations, ie. Sports tournaments, national youth events, etc…